Welcome to my portfolio website! You will find examples of my coding experience and background below.
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I've always had a passion for video games and have decided to pursure game development as a career.
I'm a graduate of The Tech Academy’s Game Dev Boot Camp, and trained and experienced in the following languages: C#, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and more. I have also created projects within Unity and Unreal engines.
I'm currently looking for an entry level game dev job. Here is my LinkedIn and Resume.Contact me below!
My GitHub profile and previous work can be found at the link below. There are code snippets, summaries, and images from the Unity and Unreal live projects I completed. I've made a few programs with JavaScript such as a calculator and tic-tac-toe game. There are examples of website building with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The C# and C++ code samples show fundamental concepts of each language.